About Us

What is Runsana?

Runsana is an online platform connecting football enthusiasts from around London, allowing people to play football, keep healthy, socialise and make new friends – hassle free.

We believe that people should be able to play football whenever they want and at any venue they want. There are plenty of physical and mental benefits in playing football and we'd like to help to make it more accessible. However, the stress that comes with organising a game and getting the people together is certainly not a benefit and definitely gets in the way of some individuals enjoying this wonderful sport.

In order to set up a successful team or even just a regular kickabout, you need a certain sized pool of players to play with and that is not always available to everyone. Given the large number of people that need to get to an agreement about date, time and location, organising a game is never easy. Some weeks it might seem that you have so many people ready to play that you are having to turn people away. The next week, you are facing the ignominy of going through your phone book begging people you have not spoken to in 5 years to turn up and play in goal.

Runsana helps football enthusiasts overcome the frustration that comes with organising a football game.
The app puts in contact people who want to play, based on their preferences, finds the optimal games based on user’s availability and makes all the games happen.

How does it work?

  • Players define their preferences for the upcoming week: dates, times and locations.
  • Players can invite their friends already on the app to join the game.
  • Players can get their buddies that are not on the app to join the game – just specify the number of guest spots you need.
  • The app’s algorithm uses the preferences from all the users and creates optimal games.
  • The players can then accept and decline these game options before any booking is confirmed.
  • The players can interact with the other players from the game via the in-game chat.
  • Once a game is completed and confirmed, the booking is done by Runsana automatically and the game is played. No more hassle with the pitch booking either 😉.

  • This is the first version of the app. We are already working on the first update. Further app updates will allow users to host their own games, create teams, organise competitions and much more.

    Please mind that this service becomes better the more people join the app. We kindly ask you to spread the word about Runsana amongst your fellow football buddies if you can. This would help us expand the Runsana community and create a better experience for everyone.

    Thank you and enjoy the game!